Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy life or happy ending!!!

When you complete these task, you will be much closer to happiness than you are right now.. Some of the task I give my explanation and some its all up to you to interpret them..

1 - Cut your nails - you only care about how you look to people, you didn’t remotely think about others feel.

2 - Use you left/right hand (change your domain hand) = to make you more sensitive to your environment..

3 - Use body touch in groups dates..

4 - do not speak during group dates (just use special words yes, no, sorry, thanks > in case..) = you became aware of people surrounding

5 - like everyone at the group date..

6 - do not go to the second venue of group dates and come home..

7 - greet everyone with a loud voice.. - build up confident and cherry..

8 - Have a date with the man/women you are least interested..

9 - do not lie..

10 - become an evil man/women.. = think about yourself even that will make people hate..

11 - come up with your own tag line..

12 - imagine other's unhappiness..

13 - know other's evil feeling to you..

14 - make others laugh..

15 - throw away all your clothes.. = in order to you to move forward you need to change your environment..

16 - look at the sky..

17 - be a bodyguard / support someone..

18 - become a man/women.. = to make you appreciate yourself and understand opposite gender feel..

19 - listen to men's dream..

20 - plays an instrument.. = its the way for you to overcome the obstacle.

21 - play trick on someone you like.. = you want them to notice you. Better than do nothing..

22 - surprise someone..

23 - think that today is the last day on earth...

to complete these task it need you to become brave and strong.. even i cant do all the task. some of the task i been doing and some, it take some time to me to do it.. so it ups to you guys to do it or not.. i got these from Japanese Drama and movie title 'Yume wo kanaeru zo'..

'life.. never been in the textbook..'


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