Sunday, August 29, 2010

Reunion Batch G4!!

Event = G4 Reunion and Breakfast (Those In Western Area)
Date = 28th August 2010
Venue= Somewhere around Sentul (ask Noi)
Participation = 13 persons

This event was organized by Noi and Amar (Gil).. Well thanks all who made effort to come along.. first on the planning, this was gonna held in Restaurant Nelayan at Tasik Titiwangsa then around 4.00pm Noi call me and ask either we gonna have buffet or just Malay Hidang meal.. then i just state that its up to Noi, and i prefer just nibbles meal.. i think it also can save some money. At first i expect there were be a few were come but there quite a lot..cause i think many of our member already going back to their Kampung.. so about 5 pm i'm going to Yusuf house and Iman was waiting there.. so we move with Iman's car.. on the way to the destination there are some thing happen where we been block by Traffic officer because Yusuf didnt buckle up.. fortunate we didnt get any charge.. after we arrive at Restaurant Nelayan then Noi call me that this event didnt held there but Amar already book another Restaurant around his house.. so we gather people here then we move to the destination.. i'm thoroughly enjoy that evening- appreciate being able to chat with member that i wasnt able to see about 7 year.. the people who come are Amar, Noi, Yusuf, Iman, Naza, Tompok, Tok Ayah, Bana, Munir, Mukhlis, Fauzi, Fakh, and last but not least Fuad - who come after the breakfast with his Tunang..

It was great to see Tompok, Iman, Fakh, Naza who hadnt been able to see after i'm finish high school.. it about 7 year.. time flew almost fast when after the breakfast we have al ittle chat and kutuk mengutuk - i think Bana was the one who always been victim for this kutuk mengutuk.. and Naza i think was the one who excited to tease Bana.. then I realized that it almost 11pm.. then Fuad come and we move to another destination which is Futsal court.. despite being late- amar had book this court on 11pm but we reach there around 11.45pm.. Thanks to Amar for his effort to bring along Futsal attire for us who didnt know there were be futsal that evening.. i forgot to mention that Bana and Mukhlis are take a leave first.. i dont know either Bana has a work to do or he cannot take to being tease - Bana can you explain this.. hehehe.. this futsal are quite tiring for me who almost a few months didnt workout with my body.. even right now i still feel sengal2 on my body.. hehehe.. that the result for those who are always face to face with computer.. after the futsal we decided to lepak at Mamak which i dont know where the Mamak was.. Ask Amar for the place cause he take us there.. as usual time flew.. and 2.30pm we decided to going to back..

for this event i'm enjoy myself because almost all my breakfast i take at my workplace.. then when this event come i'm really looking for this.. event my body feel sengal2, it still make me happy and relieve after long time i unable to see my high school friends, some of them i still can see but some i rarely to see.. right now i'm looking forward for the reunion on Hari Raya.. we been discuss and state to make on 4th Hari Raya.. Naza i count on you.. i think this Raya reunion will be held at Yeh's house.. i'm really looking for this.. hehehe.. Thanks to Mukhlis and Fuad for this lovely photo.. here my report for Batch G4 Reunion and Breakfast.. Later..

"Life.. Make It Wonderfull"


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