Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Is it luck, fortunate or just skill and effort..

many people say that they are lucky.. but i dont think that everything happen are relate to luck.. if everything happen because of luck then people who some people said that they are bad luck cannot live happily in this life.. sometime when i lepak at mamak stall, i heard people beside me chit chat with their friend about something then they said " huuhh.. nasib baik aku sempat elak tadi.. kalo tidak habih jatuh longkang aku.." what i can say here.. that thing happen not because he is lucky but because he is alert about his surrounding.. when people with clear mind and nothing to worry they are alert with their surrounding.. and that why they can avoid danger.. also when someone had miserable life they tend to forget about their surrounding and it can let their guard down.. thats what i think..

when we say about sport.. it is clear that player of any sport they are master or skillful with their sport.. so there never such a luck that can make them win.. it all their effort and skill. as example when we watch a football game. and then team which we support are winning the game.. then the others say that it just our luck that our supporting team can win.. i cant see any luck that happen here.. it is just the tactic and strategies that we use that can let us win..

ok maybe you say that im just bullshitting.. you say that you saw someone who are miserable and helpless but there are lucky.. say here.. do you really think they are like that.. if you follow them and you can see something that they do that can make them get what they should get.. if we dont do anything and nothing we can get.. so from the words here you can see that even God help people who is making effort on something.. so there are no such us luck or fortunate to start with..

what can i summarize here that dont say that we are lucky enough.. it all depend on our effort, skill and strategies to make you can say that you are lucky.. everything happen in our daily either there are good or bad are because of our action it is never because of luck or bad luck.. even if you found money in the street it is because something you do - it show that you are alert so that you can found that money.. so when people say "i'm lucky..." "how fortunate i am.." "bertuah nya aku". " this is bad luck..." "malangnya aku..".. its all happen because the action and everything you do before.. thou who look hard for it then shall be given..

p/s.. for Man U win against Liverpool is not because of luck but because they deserve it..

"Life.. is unpredictable.."


  1. in a some situation, after suffer from an unfortunate event..or in a very rare moment..we might get lucky.lucky is not something that we can develop.yes, effort, talent, flair and all of those shitting ass hard work come first in order to deserve some thing.but, at last..at the very last moment..lucky come to save you before something could happen in front of your face.

  2. nice say encikzamru.. as you describe after some sort of effort you do then lucky come along.. i dont think that was lucky.. that what i can say as bless, as we know in our religious there has proverb " thou who ask, then shall be given". even God will help His servant after their try hard to make change and pray for change.. so it bless from God, that not considered lucky.. am i right.


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